Wednesday, September 8, 2010

CA E-Lawyer

Here is a follow-up post to my earlier post today. My two fields of specialization are family law and fighting traffic tickets. I would like our clients to know that "e-law" transcends just the family law venue--so we can practice "E-law" in any area of law that our law firm practices.
Please call us today and we would be glad to give you a test drive of e-law and all of its benefits for your pocket book and being successful in your case.
Our direct line is 310-802-1400; our e-fax is 775-429-5254; and our email address is
Thanks and looking forward to becoming your e-lawyer--
Karen B. Miller

CA E-Family Lawyer

In May, 2005, I celebrated my parent's 50th wedding anniversary in beautiful Hawaii. Instead of playing a CD recording of the "Hawaiian Wedding Song" sung by legendary Don Ho, I thought, why not have the real deal, Mr. Don Ho himself sing that beautiful song to them on their special day, May 22.
When we first departed at LAX, the agents who meet and greet you when they search you before boarding, asked me, are you moving your office to Hawaii, while searching my large brief case with my lap top, printer, fax and scanner. I responded, "no. . .I am the owner of a law firm in CA and if I don't take my computer and all with me, there will be no business to return to."
While in our condo that we were staying in Hawaii, on our lanai, to my right was Waikiki, in front of me Diamond Head, and to my left was the Ala Wai Canal, I still carried on my business as a family lawyer--only electronically. As a matter of fact, I did quite well that month, all electronically.
Now I am founding CA e-family lawyer, as a means to have family law clients represented by an experienced family law firm, established in 1996, and a way to save money for our clients.
No longer do our clients have to sit in the 405 parking lot, they can make time by sending us their questions via email or fax and having us respond via the same electronic means.
Also, we can share all of your documents via these electronic means and the client is able to provide their input, prior to any filing with the court. We have all of the forms on our computer and this saves the client time and money.
E-Law if the way of the future--the old ivory towers of the law firms, are a way of the past. We still meet with clients face-to-face, if you desire at our office located in Torrance, CA, or we come to a mutually agreeable location. As a matter of fact, we had a client who had retained us yesterday on the telephone, but he still wanted to meet with us. Absolutely, we are there to meet with you, but we can do most of your legal work electronically. We go to court with you and prep you either via electronic means or in person.
We strive to have your dollar go further and you will get maximum results with our law firm's representation.